Monday, 19 January 2015

Mining and warzones

Well this weekend has been full of new things in space. Firstly I bought a Lakon 6 cargo transporter and started doing runs of gold from Lung to Luyten's star which with my Lakon kitted out with 104 cargo meant I was earning around 100k per round trip. Gold one way and water purifiers the other.

That meant I saved up enough to kit my Cobra out with some decent shields and shield banks and try some warzone missions.

Despite contributing to well over 20 take downs I only ended up with 1 of the 8 warzone craft needed to complete my mission. And after losing my Cobra I gave up and lost reputation. I can only assume that I had to take down the ship entirely on my own. Either that or there is some other factor I'm missing. What I don't get is why I was fighting system defence vessels even though I selected a faction that didn't have pirate in the name.

I then tried some mining and to cut a long story short even if I could find a vein of platinum I just don't have the hours to spend mining to make credits. It just takes too long to chip away at the asteroids and collect and refine the metals.
Another problem with mining is the pirates kept on hassling me. Mostly they would buzz off once they realised I had no cargo but once in a while they would attack. I was using my Lakon to mine but I guess it would be better to kit out my Cobra since I could take out the pirates. Maybe quite a nice way to trap genuine pirates when I need to!

So I guess it is back to hauling gold too and fro until I can buy a Python and see how they work! Might take a while!

I summary I think I may mine again but I really don't yet understand warzone missions.

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