Friday 19 February 2016

Rating 5 Week 2

Week 2 is now complete and I didn't have to buy ANY fortification packages to hit the 10k Merit point  thanks to the 50 allocation I now get per half hour.

Odd aside: the scanner seems to be showing the wrong configuration (see green image) for Balandin?

Here is a pointless image of a watery world:

Sunday 14 February 2016

Power Play Rating 5 - Making my way in Felecia Winters' organisation

So I finally went for it - I saved up 150,000,000 CR in order to spend around 50 M of fortification packages (Liberal Federal Packages).

I managed to hit the 10.000 merit with 116,000,000 left by doing a lot of fortification runs and paying for full holds in my Corvette (550 cargo). Before doing it I did some maths (see below) to make sure that I would make the money I spend back again once my 50M salary comes through next week. I'm pleased to say it is MUCH easier now I get 50 packages each time and I'm up to 8k merits this week without having to buy any packages at all! Federal commanders should get in touch with me (find me in Rhea) if you want to know the secret to success!