Wednesday 19 October 2016

Customising my Federal Corvette

Having A-rated all the important combat modules of the Federal Corvette I have found it is still susceptible to a few pirates in Vultures.

So I've decided to take leave of absence from my fortification runs for Felecia Winters and get my ship upgraded so I can hopefully deal with pirates more effectively.

The good news is that my first upgrade I did a while back was with Felicity Farseer. That upgrade gave me a 21.5 Ly range unladen. This has meant heading out to see the other engineers I've met over the years has been much less painful.

My first port of call was to visit Blaster and get my multi-cannons upgraded. Then off to see the Dweller to fix up my Power distributor to increase weapons re-charge rate and see if he can squeeze any more damage out my bean lasers.

I'll post a new entry as I visit each new engineer.

Thursday 6 October 2016

It wasn't me who cracked the glass! Honest.

There is always one isn't there? Why is it always me?
Visiting an Engineer's base in the Sol system (Dekker's Yard) I couldn't resist driving over one of the geodesic domes.

The cracks were there already.

Closeup shot:

After the panel gave way and I fell through you can see inside:

It wasn't me who cracked the glass! Honest.

There is always one isn't there? Why is it always me?
Visiting an Engineer's base in the Sol system (Dekker's Yard) I couldn't resist driving over one of the geodesic domes.

The cracks were there already.

Closeup shot:

After the panel gave way and I fell through you can see inside: