Sunday 20 October 2019

Leaving The nebula

After heading out into Temple region I decide to head back to a closer Nebula with more stars in it.Check out this massive water world! Shame it isn't terraformable!

Saturday 15 June 2019

Mining alone

WOW. Some really high value systems from my last exploration mission. The highest so far over 8 Mega Credits. Interestingly there were no earth like worlds, water worlds or Gas Giants in the 8MCr one - just FOUR terraformable worlds and some rocky planets.

Admiral Hyford

Promoted in the Federal Reserve today!

Deep Core Mining

Been making some good money deep core mining Void Opals & selling at Reynolds station. Gave up playing jump & drop with pirates in my T9 and kitted out the Corvette with some mining gear. Wasted those pirates and still had 320 cargo space to play with.

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Highest Value System So Far (CR 6,352,416)

I mapped 3 water worlds to get this payout!

The FSS Scanning locations - the only place you can see them until you map the planet

About using the FSS to scan for locations I need to be clear that you do have to wait to get the location count in the FSS. And the Location count does NOT appear in the map afterwards. What is OK is that you can zoom in & out quickly and still see that there is volcanic activity & that there will likely be locations there. That is usually fine BUT I haven't tested it out on Biological locations on their own (without say volcanism...if they exist) So the planet highlighted below shows no locations YET in the map because I haven't mapped it. But the FSS does show there are some (which I've deduced due to presence of Silicate Magma).