Monday 23 November 2015

Time to start trading again

In my ever widening search for good trading I have left Rhea again looking for the best trade route.

I've heard from traders coming back from Imperial space that there is a good profitable route in Torval's territory which could

The gossip is that the following route is HOT:

Ngalkin (Frechet Station) 657ls Performance Enhancers → Regira (Samuda Dock) 271ls

Apparently they will also pay good money for Gold on the reverse run!

Update: the round trip is making (1692 + 1093) 2785 CR per ton PROFIT.

This is a good thing as I've worked out that I'll need over 250 M CR for a decent spec Federal Corvette!

Before departing though I tried out a top specced Cobra with Pulse disruptor lasers in a pirate hunt mission (which vanished half way though).

I have to say they weren't much good. First I'm not that good at fixed lasers (it takes me ages to grind down enemy shields). Second the pulse disruptors really don't do much damage.

Anyway Here is a shot of my Chrome Cobra Which I sold after this experiment for around 7M CR

Sunday 22 November 2015

Heading back to Rhea

Now I've earned a few million I'm heading back to Rhea to do my duty next week helping Felicia Winters.

Thursday 19 November 2015

Trading my way to a corvertte

I have headed off into my old Alliance friends territory where they have the best traders in the Galaxy!

Why am I leaving behind Winters' space you may ask. Well they just have better deals in the alliance!

after I've done my bit for fortification each week, I'll head off to do some trading and hopefully I'll be able to afford teh Corvette when it comes out.

GD 140 (Liwei Terminal) 61ls Resonating Separators → LP 377-78 (Gaspar De Lemos Port) 123ls

Saturday 14 November 2015

Federal Corvette

I feel a little hard done by because on paper the imperial clipper looks to be better. I have just Ranked up to Lord in the Imperial Navy in case it turns out that the clipper is the best ship.

In the meantime I've had a preview of the Federal Corvette when the guy in the local dealership in Jameson orbital took me for a spin!

Thursday 12 November 2015

May Jameson's ghost have mercy on me

Oh dear. In anticipation of the federal corvette being permitted for sale to commanders I have done the unthinkable. I swore I'd never go back to a trading ship after the horrid T7.

But I have! I traded in my beautiful A Rated Python for a T9 beast.

With the Python I kept on getting into trouble and wasting credits when other players gunned me down or I accidentally hit a capital ship (see first image below).

Below that is a picture of the horrid thing. I only hope as I fly back from the Jameson memorial to Rhea that this thing will make me enough money to sell the cursed thing.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Approach to Ito Orbital

After a hard days work hunting down pirates & smugglers in a nearby system....see those lasers from a pesky Eagle.

I return home to Rhea - you can see a nice view of Ito Orbital. My ship sports my Minutemen Livery - that reminds me I must change to my Winters whites now!

Later I head out to Broglie ring in Rhea to sell illegal salvage. Looks like a cold planet!!